Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Foliage Follow-Up

Foliage Follow-Up is hosted monthly by Pam Penick. 

 Stop on over at  Digging to see her amazing garden. 

I  am new to blogging and anxious to participate in the fun.

I live in the city of the Hippo.  In December I picked up this little pot while in Lima, Peru.  It is a fun addition to my front porch succulents.

Front Yard Foliage

Lamb's Ear  ~ soft and silvery foliage
Society Garlic
Dusty Miller ~  silvery white foliage with some great texture

In the back yard


 I grow mostly herbs, vegetables and fruit.  My husband is from Peru.  I am a California native that has lived as far south as Sao Paulo, Brazil and as North as Seattle, WA.  I have reserved a space on my patio for tropical plants reminiscent of my mother in laws amazing yet small porch garden.

Swiss Chard ~ otherwise called "dinner"
Cape Honeysuckle  ~  Tecomaria capensis


  1. Your little hippo is so cute! And I love the lambs ear and dusty miller. Your swiss chard looks delicious! Welcome to blogging!

    1. Thank you HolleyGarden. I enjoy sharing, love to garden and take photos. It is the composition that I have trouble with...I am a polyglot but it is my native language I have the most trouble with. :)
